Keywords and Content Target the correct keywords for your audience.

Here are the most important elements of a fully optimized website in order of importance:

Website Architecture Design for search engines behind the scenes.

Hidden page elements such as meta tags, alt tags, robots.txt, htaccess file and site architecture must be optimized by current standards for search engine optimization. The page titles must clearly communicate the content that is found on that page and the meta description and keywords should always support the page content. H1 and H2 tags should clearly support the main subject of the page. The basic site architecture must clearly define where a user is at any given time and how to get back to where they came from.

Site Usability and Simple Design Content must be organized 

It is said that you have 6 seconds to to deliver what a web visitor wants before they click the back key and move on to your competition.  Website navigation must be clear and simple and sections must be clearly defined.  Many websites use the fanciest, high-tech tricks  that only confuse and distract their audience with all of the moving bells and whistles. Make a clear call to action on every page and help your web visitors find what they came for in well under 6 seconds and you will have a high rate of conversion from visitors to customers.

Link Popularity 

When you get an enthusiastic recommendation to a restaurant or store, especially by someone you trust, you are more likely to patronize that business.  Search engines work exactly the same way.  There are millions of stores online and many of them may have fully search engine optimized websites.

So how does Google know which ones to put in the top 10?  Recommendations from trusted sources.  These come in the form of links to your website from these trusted websites.  If search engines see other websites (that it considers of good quality) linking to your website, it considers that a recommendation from a trusted friend.  It can however, work in the opposite way.  If it sees websites that it does not trust or considers to be of bad character pointing at your website, it may penalize your website for it.  Therefore, link building from good quality sites is critical to online success.  When your website has met all of the criteria above and is in tip top shape, the inbound links will grow.

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